Kneaded Touch Massage is a massage business in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. I created their website with HTML, CSS, and some inline JavaScript. I secured their domain name and keep up with their hosting. I am the only maintainer of the website.
Travel Review was a midterm project for my Web Development class. The idea behind Travel Review is for users to document (review) their experiences at different cities they have visited. Travel Review is a fullstack application with Python's FastAPI as the backend. For the frontend, I used JavaScript to fetch the API's and Bootstrap 5 to style.
WARP is a functioning wireless sensor network written in Java. The codebase was assigned to me in CS 2820 of Fall 2023. I used object-oriented programming principles, especially in class design and inheritance, to encourage code reuse. I wrote 40+ JUNIt test for new and existing functions. I generated JavaDocs for new and existing methods and classes. I created UML class and sequence diagrams to visualize the system. Due to WARP being part of the class curriculum, I will not publicly provide the remote link.